Showing 49–64 of 67 results
A christian book with information on walking through problems and living a Christ centered life
Is there a hell?
How it will end….
Hidden Perils Behind Today’s Vampire Craze.
The Myers Brothers flip from Fame to Glory
Searching for lif’s meaning is universal.
In this enlightening book, Clifford Goldstein takes on some of life’s biggest questions and offers some answers that will change how you view – and live- your life.
A worldwide, catastrophic flood. It reshaped the face of the planet. It killed millions of animals. It ended the lives of countless men, women, and children. Why would anyone believe a God of love would punish the world like that?
Revelation’s Four Horsemen Preovide an Answer.
If Christians are under grace and not the law, how can the Sabbath be relevant today? Isn’t it legalism to esteem one day above any other? Do the Ten Commandments really have any place in the new covenant expierence? With unfailing scriptural logic and the most profound appreciation for the doctrine of righteousness by faith, Allen Walker has untangeled the web of confussion surrounding this issue.
Mary appeared at the feet of Jesus 7 different times. “With a tapestry of vivid illustrations, Batchelor unveils a fresh picture of a loving Savior…who offers every soul a new future.”
Could it be that most Christian churches have a distorted view of hell and God?
Before creation God knew that humankind would be captured by an enemy who wanted to enforce destruction and death. God therefore devised a “Divine Rescue Plan” to save His people. This is known as “the plan of salvation”, a consistent theme throughout the entire Bible.
Where did they come from, and are they relevant to the times in which we live?
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